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Will be applied to any teeth that are in need if a little extra help in fighting off decay.
Dr Little will advise on the types of topical adjuncts to prevention as well as toothbrush instruction.
Specifically tailored dietary advise will be given at your child’s examination. Where Dr Little feels that a more in depth dietary analysis by a Dietitian would help, special arrangements can be made to see a Dietician at Indigo Little.
Deep natural grooves and fissures on the biting surfaces of newly emerging adult teeth can be a plaque trap and create an environment that encourages decay especially in patients with a sweet tooth.
Fissure sealants and sealant restorations can be used to prevent decay in these teeth by flowing a tooth coloured runny filling into the deep natural grooves and fissures. Sometimes decay needs to be removed from these before the fissures are sealed, this is called a Sealant Restoration.