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If you use a pacifier over a lengthy period of time, it can result in teeth and gum health issues for your child. By maintaining regular check-ups your child-friendly dentist can help prevent dental problems arising. Key takeaways: – A pacifier can impact on the shape of the roof of your child’s mouth, which could […]
Posted by adwords on 30th July 2019, under Children
Composite fillings can be a good option if you want fillings with a more natural appearance. These tooth-coloured fillings have become popular, probably due to their cosmetic benefit. Key takeaways Composite resin fillings are designed to blend in with the colour of your tooth enamel. They are durable in small to mid-size fillings where chewing […]
Posted by adwords on 23rd July 2019, under Miscellaneous
Many people snore, but for some it is the main symptom of sleep apnoea. If you snore loudly most nights and consistently wake feeling fatigued you could be suffering from this condition, the most common form being obstructive sleep apnoea. With this condition, the airways close up while you sleep, resulting in a loss of […]
Posted by adwords on 17th July 2019, under Miscellaneous
When your baby’s new teeth start to emerge from around the age of 6 months, it is important to take proper care of them. Regular dentist appointments will help look after baby teeth and eventually the permanent teeth as they come through. Key takeaways: – Once the first teeth emerge, ensure you brush their teeth […]
Posted by adwords on 11th July 2019, under Miscellaneous
Teeth whitening, dental veneers, crowns and implants are examples of cosmetic dentistry which can help enhance your smile. Cosmetic dentistry has grown in popularity in recent years — and your dentist can advise whether you might benefit. Key takeaways: A professional teeth whitening can safely enhance the appearance of teeth. Dental veneers are bonded to […]
Posted by adwords on 2nd July 2019, under Miscellaneous