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We start flossing later in life than we do brushing our teeth, but it is a habit we should maintain. Flossing can save time and anxiety on visits to the dentist, as without it we can miss cleaning around 35% of the surfaces of our teeth. Key takeaways: To prompt flossing, select a trigger point […]
Posted by adwords on 30th April 2019, under Miscellaneous
One of the reasons why individuals are hesitant to have cosmetic procedures on their teeth involves the perceived cost. However, it should be noted that there are some factors to take into account. Cosmetic dentistry might be able to stave off more complex issues in the future. Certain procedures are relatively inexpensive to perform. Insurance […]
Posted by adwords on 23rd April 2019, under Miscellaneous
Having a dentist drill into your tooth to remove the nerve and pulp may not sound like fun but root canal treatment is not as bad as it sounds. In fact, the procedure is the better option when it comes to curing problems that would normally require an extraction. There are advantages to keeping your […]
Posted by adwords on 16th April 2019, under Miscellaneous
When plaque builds up on teeth the bacteria can lead to inflammation of the gums. Research now suggests a link between gum disease and medical conditions elsewhere in the body. Key takeaways: – Bacteria can travel from the mouth through the bloodstream to reach other parts of the body, causing damaging inflammation and plaque buildup. – […]
Posted by adwords on 10th April 2019, under Miscellaneous
Dental implants replace missing teeth and have a number of advantages over dentures. Looking and feeling like natural teeth, your dentist can advise whether you could be a candidate for dental implants. Key takeaways: – Dental implants are made of titanium and are screwed in to the jaw, with a crown fitted above as the […]
Posted by adwords on 1st April 2019, under Miscellaneous